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Obróbka szkła - Krosno Design

Krosno Design is a brand for Investland Sp. z o.o., which offers their customers the possibility to order individual projects of hand-made fused glass.
Extensive experience and professionalism developed over many years of the company’s activity allow us to provide the highest quality of services and implement even the most complex projects. Despite our significant knowledge and skills, we are constantly developing, and the wide range of commissioned projects allows us to continuously expand the product range.
Our projects include: complete hotel room equipment, glass doors, glass interior elements and elements of urban and garden architecture, as well as utility glass and POS advertising.

Fusing - Szkło artystyczne - Krosno Design

Widespread application of glass

Glass is a perfect element of compositions that can be combine with many materials in architecture. It fits very well with wood, stainless steel and increasingly popular marble. Its usage can be limited solely by human creativity.
We, as a company, have developed the technological process over many years to such a level that our glass will give the interior a unique and attractive character. Compared to the competition, our glass is much more resistant to scratches, breaks or any other mechanical damage.

What do we do?

We create glass elements for a lot of Polish companies, including Polish households, where they always give the rooms a dose of luxury and elegance, regardless of their application.
The process of developing technology that allowed us to create glass works took many years. But today we assume that it was worth the effort.

Our UE funds
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Operational Program Eastern Poland, priority axis 1 Entrepreneurial Eastern Poland, action 1.2 Internationalization of SMEs. “Support for the internationalization and export activity of the company INVESTLAND Sp. z o.o. “


implements a co-financed project from European Funds

no. POPW.01.02.00-18-0055 / 19 “Support for the internationalization and export activity of the company INVESTLAND Sp. z o.o. “

Name of the Beneficiary: Investland Sp. z o.o.
Project goal: Expansion of Investland’s products on the Australian, Swedish and Romanian markets
Planned results: Developing an established position and increasing the recognition of Investland on the Australian, Swedish and Romanian market
Project value: PLN 999,990.00
European Union contribution: PLN 691,050.00
Implementation period: 2020

The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under
Of the Operational Program Eastern Poland 2014-2020,
priority axis: Entrepreneurial Eastern Poland I
Action: 1.2 Internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises

Inquiry No. 1/2020 regarding the contract for services related to the implementation of the project “Support for internationalization and export activity of the company INVESTLAND Sp. z o.o.

Szanowni Państwo

Zapraszamy do składania ofert w ramach zapytania ofertowego nr 1/2020,

dotyczącego zamówienia na usługi związane z realizacją projektu „Wsparcie umiędzynarodowienia oraz działalności eksportowej przedsiębiorstwa INVESTLAND Sp. z o.o.”

o numerze: POPW.01.02.00-18-0055/19 w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Polska Wschodnia, oś priorytetowa 1 Przedsiębiorcza Polska Wschodnia działanie 1.2 Internacjonalizacja MŚP.

Oferty należy składać do dnia 18.02.2020 r. do godz. 9:00, na adres:


Korczyna 38-420
Trębacka 11 A
powiat: krośnieński
województwo: podkarpackie

z dopiskiem:

„Oferta – Zapytanie ofertowe nr 1/2020 dotyczące zamówienia na usługi związane z realizacją projektu „Wsparcie umiędzynarodowienia oraz działalności eksportowej przedsiębiorstwa INVESTLAND Sp. z o.o.”


1. Formularz ofertowy

2. Klauzula RODO

3. Oświadczenie o spełnieniu warunków uczestnictwa w postępowaniu

4. Oświadczenie o braku podstaw do wykluczenia

5. Wzór oświadczenia o dobrowolnym poddaniu się egzekucji

Zapytanie ofertowe

Informacja o wybranym wykonawcy:

Status: Rozstrzygnięte

Nazwa i adres, data wpłynięcia oferty oraz jej cena:

FEEL3 Sp. z o.o.
17 Stycznia 52
02-143 Warszawa
NIP: 5272639049

Data wpłynięcia oferty: 14.02.2020 r.
Cena oferty netto: 788 690,00 PLN
Cena oferty brutto: 970 088,70 PLN

Pełna lista podmiotów:

FEEL3 Sp. z o.o., NIP: 5272639049 – liczba uzyskanych punktów: 100 pkt.